Sunday, November 30, 2008

New blog

Dear all

We invite you to visit our new blog at:

Friday, January 25, 2008

IRGLUS meeting at Milan

Dear Friends

We are writing to invite you to participate in the Annual meeting of the Research Committee of Sociology of Law (RCSL) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) to be held in Milano, Italy, in July 9-12 2008 where IRGLUS will have one or various sessions depending on the number of participants. As a subject for discussion we propose the following topic:

Urban territories and the law and development agenda: interconnections of two international debates.

In the contemporary global scene, there are two debates that have been kept apart. On the one hand, legal systems attract the attention of international development organizations (such as the WB and the IMF); a wide bibliography has been produced around the “law and development” question. On the other hand, urban development has been the object of international debates; amongst others, the Goals of the Millennium, in the context of the UN system, entail a number of initiatives to transform the institutions related to urban areas.
The consequences of both debates relate directly to the meaning of legal issues in urban life; however, there seems to be a lack of dialogue between them, probably due to the (institutional and ideological) logic that governs each of them. The law and development agenda is a de-spatialized legal discussion, whereas the urban development agenda sees the law as a mere policy “instrument”.
The panel on “Urban territories and the law and development agenda: interconnections of two international debates.” is an invitation to socio-legal scholars to discuss the interrelations between international debates on urban development, on the one hand, and law and development, on the other. The main issues to be addressed include:

- Expropriation and urban development
- Gender and property rights
- Social conflicts over infrastructure privatization and sustainable development
- Indigenous rights, territory and the nation-state
- Federalism and the public interest in urban conflicts
- The role of international organizations in shaping urban law

As always new proposals for specific panels are welcomed.

The last date to submit abstract (not more than 200 words) is 15th February, 2008. If you are planning to participate, contact us and we will give you more information on registration fees and other administrative details.

Best regards

Antonio Azuela
Carlos Herrera

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Convocatoria Para Proyectos de Investigación en América Latina y el Caribe

Para aquellos que estén interesados esta es la nueva convocatoria del Lincoln Institute of Land Policy para realizar proyectos de investigación durante el 2008.

For those of you that are interested this is a new request for proposal from the Lincoln Instute of Land Policy to conduct research on the following topics during 2008. The terms of reference are in english

Estimados colegas,

Nos complace comunicarles que el Programa para América Latina y el Caribe del Lincoln Institute of Land Policy anuncia su convocatoria anual para recibir propuestas de investigación con plazo de su ejecución/desarrollo hasta enero de 2009. La fecha límite para presentación de propuestas es 5 de septiembre de 2007.

Los términos de referencia (formulados en ingles) que corresponden a cada uno de los cinco temas se encuentran en la página Web del Instituto en el siguiente link:

1. Funcionamiento de los Mercados Urbanos de Suelo en Latino América
Functioning of Urban Land Markets in Latin America
Deadline for Proposals: September 5, 2007

2. Movilización de Plusvalías para el Desarrollo Urbano en América Latina
Land Value Increments for Urban Development
Deadline for Proposals: September 5, 2007

3. Impuesto Predial en América Latina
Property Taxation in Latin America
Deadline for Proposals: September 5, 2007

4. Regulación Pública en el Proceso de Urbanización de América Latina
Public Regulations in the Process of Urbanization in Latin America
Deadline for Proposals: September 5, 2007

5. Regularización, Mercados de Suelo e Informalidad en América Latina
Regularization, Land Markets and Informality in Latin America
Deadline for Proposals: September 5, 2007

Si tiene usted alguna pregunta, por favor contáctenos:

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

First Session in Berlin

This is the list of the people that will be presenting their work in our first meeting in Berlin along with a small abstract of their work. This meeting will be held on July 24 from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM in room S 1.301 of the Seminar Building at Humboldt University and will be jointly organized with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. The panelists are:

Acosta, Claudia Marcela Mora


Country Club: ¿Cambio en las percepciones del dominio eminente?


A symbolic case. The process and way of acquisition Country Club’s polo court – one of the most exclusively club in Colombia- to be turned at a public park on a Bogotá’s zone whit a grate shortage of green areas, it’s suggested as ideal set to analyze the change of government’s point o view about its own ability to organize and acquire land whit social interest, the difference between public and private topics about the land valuation, its debate on district courts and, its importance for the viability of urban development projects.

Farias, Marcia Ferreira Cunha


Corumba IV: Acquisition, expropriation and compensation of land for the construction of hydroelectric power plants in Brazil


Procurement of land for infrastructure projects is still problematic in Brazil . The legal framework regarding procurement of land for such projects is reasonably established, but numerous difficulties arise. Institutional intervention may be a primary concern. As different institutions claim to exercise their competencies, acquisition, expropriation and resettlement procedures may become overwhelming. The present research paper will demonstrate the legal and practical obstacles and solutions revealed in the procurement of land for the construction of a hydroelectric power plant in central Brazil, Corumbá IV, highlighting how and when institutional interventions contribute to these obstacles and to their solutions.

Haddad, Emilio


The positioning of the Judiciary Power in a context of new agreements on the real estate valuation: the case of Paulo


It is presented a case study of city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, where local Judiciary Power is developing new approaches to improve land expropriation mechanisms, by which the assessed value of land is deposited in the beginning of the process, intending to prevent that moratorium interests resulting from the delay of the action could raise the values to be paid for the public power, due to. The objective of the present research is to study to what extent this new practice contributes for the accomplishment of fiscal justice, recovery of plus-values and application of the social function of the property.

Herrera, Carlos M.


Legal and judicial framework of eminent domain in Mexico


This research project will try to find out how eminent domain for urban purposes has evolved in Mexico in the last eighty years from the judicial standpoint and it will review some of the most controversial cases from a legal and sociological point of view. This project will help us have a clear picture about the position of the judiciary in Mexico regarding eminent domain and more importantly, it will help us understand how has the concept of property rights evolved in the Mexican legal system in the last eighty years.

Jaramillo, Lorena Angélica Ulloa


Impact of the expropriation process on the urban area of Metro Concepcion


This study is framed on the expropriations performed on the base of public needs that were derived from the work needed by the integrated commuting system for the Concepción metro area. It aims to know the perceptions of the expropriated people regarding compensations, appraisal methods, perceived weaknesses and legal instruments used on the process. This subjective evaluation will help to understand the obstacles perceived by them to an equal appraisal and regulation of urban lands, and also will extend the comprehension of the Chilean expropriation process from the perspectives of social theory, community work experience and public administration.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Conference on Land Tenure

Here is an invitation for a conference on land tenure that will be held in the Netherlands during September. You may find it interesting.

Paper Session in Berlin

The preliminary program for the Berlin meeting is out. Our session will take place on Saturday July 28 from 8:15 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. on room HU/25.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

As part of the plans to relaunch IRGLUS we have submitted a session proposal under the title of “Owners, Judges and the Decline of Public Interest: Expropriation in the XXI Century”.


Expropriation of land has been a major instrument in the hands of the state to reshape both the urban space and property relations. In recent decades, it has been contested both from social movements against evictions and from the rise of 'property rights movements'; thus the notion of 'public interest' is subject to a new revision. Changes in the law on this subject not only reflect changes in the relation between state and society in urban processes, they also create new conditions for the development of that relation.

Is has been suggested that there is a trend towards convergence in the law of eminent domain, as part of globalization processes. However, there also seems to be huge differences between national contexts (e.g. a massive use of expropriations in China as part of economic growth, vis a vis a reduction in Mexico and other countries with structural adjustment programs).

The session will encourage comparative analysis of national situations, and their respective international contexts, with a particular emphasis on the role of the judiciary in shaping the use of expropriation of land for urban and infrastructure projects.

Other activities

Apart form the session proposal we will organize another session devoted exclusively to discuss IRGLUS new agenda and activities (including the election of the new coordinator) so it can become fully operational once again.

Conference Schedule

The general meetings will run from Wednesday, July 25, beginning at 8:15 am, through Saturday, July 28th concluding after the early-evening reception. Sessions are one hour and forty-five minutes in length. Lunch is provided each day. Receptions are planned for Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Re-launching IRGLUS
(International Research Group on Law and Urban Space).

The International Research Group on Law and Urban Space-IRGLUS was formed in 1993, aiming to gather academics from diverse backgrounds - jurists, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, urban planners, environmentalists, who are doing research/are interested in the interface between law and urbanisation. IRGLUS's initial goal was to encourage socio-legal research in urban legal studies, as well as to organise international workshops for the presentation and dissemination of relevant research projects and findings. IRGLUS's working languages are English and Spanish.

In July 1996, IRGLUS was recognised as a Working Group of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law-RCSL of the prestigious International Sociological Association-ISA. IRGLUS also keeps links with the equally prestigious Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law-IISL, with whom two "Law and Urban Space" international workshops have already been promoted.

We are determined to bring the group back at the level of participation we reached when Edesio Fernandes was the convenor of the group. As part of the plans to revitalize the activities of the organization, Antonio Azuela will assume the direction until the workgroup is fully operational once again. We think that a great opportunity to launch the group once again is going to be the Joint Annual Meetings of the Law and Society Association and the Research Committee on Sociology of Law that will take place in Berlin on July 25-28. We are planning to submit a Session proposal and depending on the response we get we could organize a Paper presentation session or Roundtable session. At that time, we can consider new candidates to assume the coordination of the group.

The themes we are proposing for the discussion in the Berlin meeting are the

1. The role of the Judiciary in urban conflicts.
2. Narratives of property (cultural analysis of property relations)
3. The use of expropriation in urbanization processes

We hope that this "minimalistic" agenda gives room to many preoccupations, but we also welcome any proposals of new themes to start the discussion.

Best regards

Antonio Azuela Edesio Fernandes